
Manufacture and production in 2024 is witnessing a transformative shift towards a more sustainable and circular approach. The increasing emphasis on the circular economy is driving the design of products and materials for reuse and recycling, supported by slow, but growing government incentives. Advanced recycling technologies, are playing a pivotal role in reducing environmental impact, particularly in breaking down materials like plastic faster and safer. 

The ongoing reduction of single-use plastic is becoming a global norm, with more regions implementing strict measures, encouraging the use of eco-friendly alternatives. E-waste recycling is gaining prominence due to technological innovations. 

Consumer engagement, amplified by social media, is fostering a culture of environmental stewardship, encouraging responsible recycling habits. Localised initiatives and sustainable packaging options, such as those championed by organisations like Plastic Bank, are becoming mainstream. Extended producer responsibility (EPR) programs are now potent policy tools, transferring waste management responsibility from consumers to producers. Green financing and investment are on the rise, reflecting a growing demand for businesses committed to positive environmental impact, as consumers and investors alike become more discerning in supporting brands aligned with sustainability goals. 

This holistic approach signifies a promising and regenerative future for manufacturing and production in 2024.

Agnes Lloyd-Platt

Sarah jo Palmer @ Management artist

Damaris @ Premier; Valeria @ Milk;
Maddie @ Direct

Grace Joel

Kristina Ralph Andrews @ Future Rep

Saffron Goddard